Functional Wellness Specialist

Hali Laricey helps people struggling with a diagnosis they can’t embrace or chronic, nagging symptoms no one understands or treats get answers and get better.
Hali gets it. She had her own unanswered health questions but knew there was more to the story and therefore, other options. She understands the frustration of unanswered questions. The hopelessness of feeling like there’s nowhere to turn. The isolation that comes when you feel like the only person with these issues. Hali studied, searched, and researched until she found answers.
The truth is autoimmune conditions make up the largest category of chronic illnesses. A whopping 80% of those suffering are female.
VISIT WEBSITEMost of these patients see at least 4 doctors before getting a diagnosis. Shockingly, it takes an average of 3 years for most people with an autoimmune condition to receive a diagnosis. As you can see, these conditions can place a considerable burden on healthcare budgets.
The work Hali do today provides answers just like the ones she needed. Today, she help people feel better by looking at the complete picture of their health and well-being. Hali view each individual as a whole person, made up of cells, organs, tissues, glands, and systems that all work together. Each entity was wonderfully made to be healthy, strong, and age gracefully. You are not a diagnosis. You are not a symptom or a collection of symptoms.
As a Certified Functional Blood Work Specialist, Hali is trained to uncover and see what’s going on in your body. She uses a functional lens and dig deep into your basic labs. In addition, her education and training as a Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor offer you an additional level of support which helps her ensure your body performs at its best level.
Hali Laricey can help you feel better. You can kick autoimmune to the curb, lose weight, ease anxiety, depression, and IBS symptoms, sleep better, have healthy hormone levels, regain your energy, and more! You can leave unhealthy in the past and embrace a new, healthy future.