Self-Care Coach for Moms

Shaunna Randazzo understands that motherhood is hard, hence she helps moms take back their sanity. Feel empowered and present in their life so their can take care of their family and themselves!
VISIT WEBSITEAs a Self-Care coach, Shaunna can teach you how to have the necessary mindset shifts that therapy doesn’t solve. It is possible to have a self-care plan that does not feel like “something else TO-DO.” And doesn’t require you to take a bubble bath (unless you want to!) Learning to find a connection with yourself will allow you to connect with your family. She promises you that self-care is the answer to all the questions.
She knows this because Shaunna worked to create a life beyond her wildest dreams. To find balance and peace in the midst of this busy modern life. To enjoy her day, not dread it.
She'll walk you through the process that worked for her and then map out the plan to get you there and help you flush out any doubts.
She'll teach you how to stop feeling overwhelmed and show you how to become empowered and live the life you truly desire. Learn how to become present and connect with yourself and your family. Design a routine that works for you and put yourself on the list! You are worth it!